Diseño y desarrollo de estrategias pedagógicas en los procesos de educación ambiental del programa de Servicio Social Ambiental (SSA), del Jardín Botánico de Bogotá José Celestino Mutis
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The processes of non-formal environmental education, in the national and district context have a great role and importance as true and significant contributions to the development of a more friendly and sustainable culture, as they are mobilized as training tools for communities for the generation of identity and environmental appropriation of the territories. These processes are framed for the case Bogotá D. C, under activities and projects Environment within the Bogotá government plan: Better for all 2016-2019, oriented by the Bogota Botanical Garden José Celestino Mutis and the educational and Cultural Subdirectorate (SEC), Under the supervision and endorsement of the Secretary of Education of the District (SED) and the Secretary District Environment (SDA). These proposals are being articulated more and more as strategies for working with educational communities within the educational Sub-directorate and and its training program in Environmental Social Service, which is determined and covered by law 115 raises in article 97 that middle school students will provide a social service during the last two degrees of study and in turn by the decree 1743 of 1994, article 7, establishes that the compulsory Social service may be rendered by the secondary education students in formal, state and private education establishments, in environmental education, participating directly in the school's environmental projects, supporting the formation or consolidation of school ecological groups for the resolution of specific environmental problems or participating in community education activities environment, which are guided by activities and actions directed at the linking academic communities, environment and context, in order to promote actively and strengthen environmental initiatives that contribute to the settlement of order conflicts environment in different contexts within the city. Therefore, this final report of Internship, is framed within a qualitative research in which develops a environmental education proposal, through a participatory action research model Which allowed the formulation, design, development and implementation of the strategies In academic groups of five institutions (public, private and Concession), with activities such as: social cartography, workshops and guided games, development of sustainable and/or sustainable green spaces and areas, knowledge about their resources and Structuring elements in their environment, considerably generating a series of new and actions for and with the community, which allowed actions for their recognition and conservation in the territory, through pedagogical, didactic knowledge, which was not conventional or traditional and that I contribute considerably tools that allowed to contribute to the training and recognition processes surrounding the topics covered by the environmental education, such as: woodland for the urban context, case: Bogotá D.C, Knowledge of macro-invertebrates as bioindicators, ecourbanism, development Sustainable and landscaping and main ecological structure and biodiversity. This proposal is to suggest a primer to mobilize in the Subdirectorate, university professionals and the entire academic and university community, as a document/tool that is supported by a series of modules Training, knowledge, action and work for communities and different groups (institutional, school or private) that are part of the line of work of the environmental Social Service, which aims to account for the results and impacts with the Work in each of the institutions and in turn with the community (for some cases), through the support and technical assistance that was provided for each of the stages (training, formulation, development and dissemination of the initiative), in which it was sought that the Students from the institutions will design and execute different environmental initiatives in order to generate a series of changes and transformations that could positively impact their school environments, the community and different groups with which he worked (seniors, professionals, directives, etc.) showing very positively that the groups analyzed, maintain a very close and continuous relation to concepts and elements inherent in the environment and territory, and that in turn are capable of To propose diverse solutions, embedded in the context and more real for each one of the problems that afflict them or of which they want to generate greater knowledge, diffusion and use articulated for their environment and the necessities that is presented, suggesting to continue with the activities to produce articulated, innovative and necessary knowledge for conceptual and environmental change in each of the institutions and territories worked.