Medición de caudales a través de procesos automatizados llevados a cabo en el laboratorio de servicios públicos de la Universidad Distrital
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The project entitled grade flow measurement through automated processes carried out in the laboratory of public services in the university district, is performed based on the computer named bank processes Amatrol T 5552 located in the laboratory of public services. In this project each of his chapters is developed as follows: First identification of the components of bank processes Amatrol T 5552 is made, allowing more detailed understanding of the team. Then followed up with the design of stepper bank connections processes, this step is performed through procedures for each piece of equipment. Finally a series of data are collected through practices carried out in the bank processes, which enable capture calibration curves, to acquire a greater understanding of the concepts using the computer. Finally manages to understand once developed the project, this team has a great importance and applicability, therefore should not be missed.