Virtualización del patrimonio como oportunidad para el turismo, comparación entre el software comercial y software libre para la reconstrucción 3D : estudio de caso Busto Fabio Lozano Simonelli
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Sculptures and monuments are part of the cultural heritage of a city. Due to the pandemic generated by COVID-19, the Culture Sector has been one of the most affected, however, this could be reactivated from the virtualization of cultural heritage with a cost-benefit analysis. This work performs and compares the 3D reconstruction of the Busto de Fabio Lozano Simonelli monument (located in Bogotá, Colombia), with terrestrial photographs, using the Structure From Motion technique with the commercial Pix4D software and the Regard3D free software. The point cloud of each software is compared and analyzed through the free software CloudCompare. The best results visually and parametrically are obtained with Regard3D, however, the difference between the point clouds is on average 1cm. In short, the results obtained show promise and represent an alternative for the promotion of cultural heritage and tourism.