Evaluación preliminar del riesgo geotécnico por excavaciones subterráneas con tecnología trenchless en dos intersecciones viales de la Localidad de Kennedy, en la Ciudad de Bogotá D.C.
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Bogotá city, due to its dynamism and population growth, generates the need to build housing that promotes the development of civil infrastructure, since access roads and underground networks must be built and/or replaced to allow the passage of public services to these citadels. From this and to the various inconsistencies that have been generated with the rudimentary methods used in the constructions arise various methodologies that allow this type of works not to be so invasive and harmful to what already exists, it should be clarified that these new technologies continue to generate risks that must be analyzed and taken into account in the planning and execution of the work, in order to determine the viability of using the trenchless excavation system that generate less risk or otherwise continue using traditional systems.
Many times it can be evidenced, that the characteristics of the soil considerably affect the type of excavation that must be used, unfortunately, the soil studies are not carried out in the proper form or are overlooked when proceeding to carry out the works, so the excavations end up affecting the structures surrounding and present to the work.
In accordance with the above, it is important to always take into account external and internal factors such as the properties of the soil to intervene in order to generate an impeccable excavation that allows to reduce the risk, so that no inconveniences are generated during the construction or later, when the networks come into operation.
Clearly, there is a need to evaluate the level of geotechnical risk, of anthropic type, in a way closer to reality, in order to draw up a balance of this, and thus generate a hierarchy of control that lowers the probability and consequence of the risk through the elimination, substitution, engineering controls, administrative controls, personal protective equipment, emergency plans and contingency plans that together make the risk residual.
In this study it was proposed to carry out different models in specialized programs to simulate the behavior that the ground can have at the time of using trenchless technology (Trenchless Technology) to carry out the transfer of two networks in the intercession of Carrera 68 Avenue with the first of May in the south of the city Bogotá, within the framework of the project of the first line of the Bogotá Metro. By means of numerical simulations, we estimated the deformations that can present the structures surrounding the excavation. And based on a visual study determine various characteristics of the same in order to meet all those requirements that allow us to evaluate and / or classify the elements exposed according to their vulnerability and scope of the threat to finally determine the anthropic geotechnical risk in these works that are very frequent in our city.