Procesos de enseñanza en el espacio educomunicativo del youtuber académico JulioProfe. Una experiencia de participación tecnomediada
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This document is the result of research interest focused on identifying and analyzing the pedagogical mediations that are promoted in educommunicative scenarios. For the particular case of this research, the experience of the academic youtuber JulioProfe was addressed, who through the virtual channel has various videos for the teaching and learning of subjects associated with the area of mathematics. Therefore, concepts related to cyberculture, collective intelligence, communicative ecosystems and systems of communicative convergence were addressed, as well as determining what are the educommunicative and pedagogical mediations arranged from the interactive YouTube scenario. The research was framed within the qualitative paradigm of the investigation and was outlined from the hermeneutical phenomenology, which allowed to recognize the interpretation of the educommunicative experience from the voice of the participating agents: teacher and youtuber Julio Alberto Ríos Gallego, 6 teachers and 10 students of two District Educational Institutions. Given the characteristics of the virtual and school environment, in addition to the selected information sources, we also turn to the case study and the educational action research.