Prospección Geofísica Ambiental Aplicada a la Detección de Plumas Contaminantes Debidas a la Infiltración de Lixiviados en un Relleno Sanitario, Bajo la Adaptación de Sondeos Eléctricos Verticales de Resistividad y Polarización Inducida, para Obtener Tomografías Geoeléctricas Profundas y Modelos 3D.
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A geoelectric study is presented as an application of environmental geophysics at the Chiquinquirá landfill, Boyacá, Colombia; with the objective of detecting leachate infiltrations from the correlation of geoelectric tomographies obtained from the measurement of two physical properties of the subsoil. As a geoelectric technique, the Vertical Electrical Surveys (SEV, acronym in Spanish) were used, with which measurements of resistivity and loadability (induced polarization) were obtained along three geophysical lines. The linear location of the probes allowed to perform a matrix adaptation between these and their measurements, by means of which were obtained rectangular geoelectric tomographies, without loss of data per level, and the depth of research was triplicated, compared to that obtained when tomography where realized under the conventional technique. The correlation of the resistivity and loadability tomographies allowed to visualize layers of deposited residues, to detect leachate liquid infiltrations and to characterize the subsoil lithology in relation to the lithostratigraphic column of the Areniscas de Chiquinquirá formation, which appears in the Carapacho sanitary landfill.