Modelación de inmuebles sometidos a PH en la Ciudad de Bogotá mediante árboles de decisión y regresiones ponderadas geográficamente
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The growth of Horizontal Property in Bogota motivated the following degree work, which focuses on the application of methods of Random Forests and Geographically Weighted Regressions to analyze the behavior of the number of property units of the properties subjected to HP added by cadastral sectors in Bogota, therefore, this document describes what has been done in the degree work, finding in the first chapter the generalities of the project, making known the problem to be solved, the justification and objectives; In the second chapter, the framework is exposed, which takes into account the concepts and theories of the two applied models (Random Forests and Geographically Weighted Regression). In chapter three the methodology applied to carry out the degree work is detailed, and thus, to be able to elaborate chapter four, which will reveal the development of the methodology with the results obtained from the models applied for the analysis of HP in Bogota.