Identificación de diatomeas perifíticas en la intersección del Río Chocho, Río Subia y Río Barro Blanco, ubicados en el departamento de Cundinamarca
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The “Chocho”, “Subia” and “Barro Blanco” rivers, which belong to the “Sumapaz” river basin, have a great cultural, social and ecologic relevance as a water spring of Silvania Town (Cundinamarca Department, Colombia). Despite the warning given by the Environmental Authority of Cundinamarca (CAR in Spanish acronyms) in 2005 about water pollution by pesticides and waste water, the microorganism diversity and bioindication studies to know the state of the water in the river have not been performed. That said, the identification of benthic diatoms was made with the aim of taking a first approach to recognize the types of diatoms, describing the discovered species estimating the diversity and dominance of the three rivers. This study was made in three stages: The field-stage consisting of two samplings (One in Dry Season and one in wet Season); the laboratory stage to process and identify the diatoms within the taxonomic categories allowed; and the final stage to estimate the diversity and dominance through the Shannon and Simpson indexes. The predominant types found were Gomphonema and Navicula; 37 different species were identified; 69 individuals classified taxonomically, 75% of them were found only in one river whereas the species found in the three rivers were Eolimna minima, Gomphonema parvulum, Cymbella minuta, Gomphonema lanceolatum, Gomphonema pseudoaugur and Rhoicosphenia curvata. The way of how the sampling season influenced the number of individuals was analyzed and a sufficient diversity was registered with approached values to 3 according to the Shannon Index, as well as a low dominance of species with nearly values 0 just as the Simpson Index. Different patterns were found at “Barro Blanco” river, with respect to the diversity and the Wet season , in comparison with the other two rivers due to hydrologic and anthopic changes in the zone. Finally, documentation and pictures of the species were provided.