Narrativas de firmantes de paz acerca de la verdad y la justicia en el sistema integral de verdad, justicia, reparación y no repetición
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This master's thesis dives into the analysis of the narratives of peace signatories, focusing on their perceptions and experiences in relation to justice in the framework of the Comprehensive System of Truth, Justice, Reparation and Non-Repetition (SIVJRNR). The main objective is to unravel the individual interpretations and perspectives of the protagonists involved in peace processes, specifically with regard to transitional justice. The research is based on a methodology that combines qualitative analysis of the narratives of peace signatories, in-depth interviews and documentary review. It addresses the analysis of key concepts within the SIVJRNR and explores how these concepts are manifested in the signatories' personal stories. This study contributes to a comprehensive understanding of the implementation of justice in peace processes, highlighting the importance of considering individual voices in the construction of truth and reconciliation systems. It also provides a valuable basis for future research in the field of transitional justice and peacebuilding.