Prueba Metalografíca en Uniones Soldadas con Presencia de Corrosión en Acero Estructural: Caso de Estudio Bicicleta
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In this Project, a test tuve of structural Steel from a bicycle frame was analyzed to study the behavior that causes corrosion in this type of material, which is welded by electric arc (electrode E6013) then, nondestructive was made such as analysis in the optical microscope and electron microscope; an scan was executed at different áreas of the specimen by taking pictures of various approaches to analyze its metallographic structure and types of corrosion. Also, a microhardness test was realized for a complete microstructural analysis of the material and identify the properties considering the environment that was used. Finally, a comparison of direct and indirect costs that can produce this attack on the element study was executed.
En este proyecto se analizó una probeta de acero estructural el cual pertenece a un marco de bicicleta y además se encontraba soldado por arco eléctrico (Electrodo E6013). Se realizó un estudio al comportamiento que causa la corrosión en este tipo de material, posteriormente se hicieron pruebas no destructivas como análisis en el microscopio óptico, microscopio electrónico, microdureza y costos
Palabras clave
corrosion, prueba metalografica