Diseño del plan de gestión integral de residuos sólidos (PGIRS) para la Escuela de Caballería del Ejército Nacional de Colombia ubicado en el Cantón Norte
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Solid waste management is one of the biggest problems facing the environment, which is why it has become a fundamental issue where all companies and state entities participate in creating solutions or alternatives that minimize such impact. The Colombian national army, more specifically the School of Cavalry committed to strengthening its environmental management, begins a process of change that seeks to contribute to the protection of the environment, thus creating an Integrated Solid Waste Management Plan (PGIRS) which aims to optimally guide solid waste management taking into account specific objectives, goals, programs, projects, activities and resources. For the fulfillment of this PGIRS, the mixed methodology is implemented where qualitative and quantitative data are used, such as the implementation of surveys, lifting of cost-benefit evaluation matrices and the gathering of primary and secondary information. All this allows creating programs for the correct disposal of waste, conducting training for the staff of the Cavalry School, leaving a budget for all the adjustments that must be made and also the long-term benefits that will be obtained, among many other activities that indicate a step to the correct management of solid waste in the Cavalry School.