La familia como agente social en las prácticas de lectura
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The main topic of this research was aimed at recognizing the importance of the family as a social agent in reading practices, through the discursive analysis of reading plans in the last decade: Read Is my Ttle (2012-2016) and Read It's flying (2017-2021); with the purpose of recording how the practice of reading is made visible, especially for the family group. At the same time, identify the types of the articulations that are generated with the different programs and entities that promote reading practices in Colombia, recognizing the multiple languages and the cultural interpretation that are implicit in the discourse that is embodied in the two plans, through communication and enunciation. The discussion generates points of encounter and disagreement between the discourse and the real gaps faced by the family, especially in the most needy places, the research evidence referring to how the family is an important agent in society from the point of view of care and protection, but there is an absence to propitiate the leadership of the programs and projects from their role and in the neighborhood and community networks. This research concludes that the family can enjoy reading in social practices from the dialogue, which favors their participation in different conventional and unconventional scenarios. Nevertheless, recognizing reading as a right is fundamental in social processes, but being an agent of transformation requires training, as well as support networks that promote this positioning. For this reason the need surfaces to create and lead along with a work team a nonprofit entity Raíces Foundation for the family, with the aim of promoting the rights for and by the family, giving coverage to territories where there is very little intervention by different organizations, with programs that include and strengthen family unity, dialogue, critical thinking, leadership and community work through continuous reading practices.