Análisis y sistematización de datos biológicos pertenecientes a las colecciones del Instituto de Ciencias Naturales – ICN de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia
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Biological collections represent a diverse database of our biodiversity, to understand what this space is composed of we cover three important phases that each organism fulfills when it is part of the collection. Starting from the curatorial process when the specimen enters the collection, this process is the first moment where a curator processes a specimen to be stored, through this process a compilation of data about the species continues, its habitat, feeding, morphology, among others. After this first moment, the information obtained from the specimen is recorded in databases that will facilitate the ordering of such information, separating it by categories such as: information from the time of collection, measurements, coloration, curator's observations, georeferencing, etc. This process is based on ordering the information obtained from a specimen to be categorized and this is what we refer to when we talk about systematizing, being this the second moment that the specimen goes through. specimen's entry into the collection. Finally, the specimens stored in the biological collections, through the implementation of technological tools, will go through the digitization process, which is based on a photographic record that can provide a two-dimensional image of the individual or it could generate a three-dimensional modeling of it. These These three aspects are important in order to understand the way in which the is arranged in the collections information about our specimens in biological collections and how we can get closer to the how we can get closer to these sources of information in order to understand our biodiversity and to our biodiversity and generate more knowledge about it.