Composición florística y estructural de dos coberturas terrestres pertenecientes al APIRE humedal la Florida
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The characterization of the structure and floristic composition of two land cover plants was perform in the Florida Ecological Restoration Research Pilot Area (APIRE), located in the Northwest of Bogotá, was carried out. The floristic inventory was carried out through the installation of 9 parcels of 2 x 50 m in each area, the identification of the plant specimens, the measurement of the total height, the diameter at chest height (DAP), the basal diameter and cup diameter. The study area is as follows: 1) Native broadleaf plantation and 2) Mixed Forest Plantation. Based on the information obtained, the richness and value indexes of importance by species and family were determined. Likewise, both areas were described with respect to their diametric and altimetry classes and a structure diagram was produced for each one. 57 families, 105 genera and 125 species were registered. For the entire study area it was found that the families with the highest floristic wealth Compositae, Leguminosae and Solanaceae. Likewise, the genera with the greatest wealth were Ageratina, Solanum and Escallonia with three species each. The species with the most representative IVI are Acacia melanoxylon, Fraxinus chinensis, Escallonia paniculata, Fuchsia boliviana and Smallanthus pyramidalis. For the structure, the diameter, height and present coverage were analyzed, finding similarities in both covers.