Recuperación, puesta en funcionamiento y calibración del sistema de medición de humedad relativa atmosférica de la Estación FMA&ES
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The present document Andrés Felipe Limas Montaña assembles the report of the different activities realized by the student of Master in Physics, in the frame of the internship fulfilled in the group of investigation in Physics of the Environment and Solar power FMA&ES whose facilities are located in the Pertaining to La Macarena headquarters B of the Faculty of Sciences and Education of the University Distrital Francisco Jose of Caldas, group which, he devotes himself to the formation of investigative professionals in diverse topics of the environment, across which he proposes and there are promoted solutions and applications of renewable and clean sources of energy to contribute between other aspects to the solution of the environmental crisis. The student assistant recovered his activities in the line of investigation of measurement of parameters and meteorological, environmental variables and atmospheric phenomena. The purpose of the work consisted of the application of knowledge of general physics and physics of the atmosphere which were acquired during his career education across the recovery put in functioning and calibration of the system of measurement of relative atmospheric dampness (HRA) of the meteorological station of the group of investigation. During the process there were based the conocimiento of basic electronics, system platforms of acquisition of information, managing as analysis of information and managing of the software of graphical programming LabVIEW.