Evaluación de la biodegradabilidad de una película de plástico de biopolímero sintetizado a partir de xiloglucano de tamarindo
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he increasing and excessive use of plastics given its advantages over other materials (metal, glass, paper, cardboard), in performance, cost savings, weight reduction, thermal / electrical insulation, manageability; it contributes to the current environmental problem of solid waste accumulation, given its long periods of degradation that can take up to 600 years; Due to this, the field of research has advanced to synthesize alternative ‘plastics’ materials that assimilate microorganisms more quickly. The main objective of this study was to evaluate the biodegradation of a sample of biopolymer synthesized from xyloglucan from tamarind, in a composting system under optimal conditions (permanent temperature: 58 ° C; pH: 7.75; humidity: 45%; C / N = 34.13), arranged in 5 bioreactors: 2 for the sample, 2 for the controls and 1 for the blank; Sampling measurements were made of the amount of CO2 released by biodegradation using Ba (OH) 2 as a gas trap and HCl as titrant, in parallel with visual records of the behavior of the material. The biodegradation time was 18 days, with mass loss of 40.34%. In addition, the characterization of the microorganisms participating in the biodegradation was carried out through primary sowing in blood agar and Sabouraud, secondary seeding in BHI, differentiating 13 colonial morphologies, with a tendency to Gram bacilli (+). In addition, the enzyme profile was performed in AA, LD, BP, which demonstrated the existence of amylase, caseinase and lecithinase enzymes; API tests allowed the identification of Pasteurella haemolytica bacteria (accuracy 96.3%) and plating showed an average of 2.15 x1012 CFU / mL of sample.