Relaciones de poder, conflicto y acoso escolar en el Grado Sexto del Colegio el Porvenir I.E.D.
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This research focuses on describing the types of power relations that prevail in the manifestations of conflict and bullying in sixth grade students of Colegio El Porvenir Educational Institution District , home A. It seeks to implement an intervention strategy teaching that modify cultural patterns address this issue from an elective created to form conciliators of school conflicts and introducing some changes to the manual of coexistence that allow timely and comprehensive response of the educational community to the phenomenon of bullying . The ideas presented in this study is based on the ideas of Michel Foucault, Manuel Castells , Enrique Chaux , Griselda Hernandez, Argentine Observatory of Violence in Schools, Alejandro Castro , among others , with regard to studies of power relations at school , conflict , bullying and school violence . It was decided to develop a descriptive study because it allows you to specify the properties , characteristics and manifestations of the phenomenon of power , conflict and harassment at school. Also, it was considered appropriate for this study using the model of two stages : the quantitative approach and then the qualitative approach was first applied . In the quantitative stage , semi-structured interviews on power relations in the classroom and in the open spaces of the school were applied. Also, statistics of the types of conflicts that were obtained reconciled. In the qualitative stage, the preferred methods were: case studies and analysis of conversations of victims of bullying, no participant observation , participant observation and analysis of conciliation proceedings. Finally , it can be concluded that the interior gives each classroom , students create a steely power hierarchy , where the top is occupied by students with strong positive or negative - on influence the course in question. At the base, students appear with little or no influence on the course . The first , the cusp , bearing power, while the base, hold little or no power over the group. The latter are the main victims of bullying. Likewise , it is concluded that student groups seeking to impose its characteristics to the rest of the course , resulting in power relations, not always peaceful or obvious , leading to settle conflicts . These power relations are also presented in the open spaces of the school.