Fundamento de un modelo de conectividad ecológica para la reserva forestal Thomas Van Der Hammen a partir de la percepción de la comunidad
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This research project is developed around the Thomas Van Der Hammen Reserve, which is currently immersed in a great political controversy, where on the one hand, the Reserve has been seen as a future urbanized area, which will be affecting the environment, that different environmentalists, allied groups and national identities are seeking the protection and restoration of it. Car's declaration decided that it would be conserved as a Reserve, giving terms in years so that uses that go against the protection of environmental resources could be located elsewhere, outside the area demarcated as a Reserve. The urban expansion that Bogotá has brought in recent years has affected the loss of structural and functional connectivity of the Van Der Hammen Reserve, as mentioned by Agudelo, 2007, the loss of the natural structure generates changes in biotic communities and therefore in species composition. Fragmentation is the process of the partial destruction of a natural habitat, which results in the production of forest fragments of different sizes, which disrupt natural connectivity. This becomes a threat to the conservation and propagation of environmental services (Tobar, Ibrahim. 2010). This work has made it possible to identify and determine that the Thomas Van Der Hammen reserve is the best place to develop an ecological corridor to maintain the main ecological structure of Bogotá. Within the development of this work, an alternative connectivity model is proposed, which considers the current state of the reserve, and especially the perception of the communities involved within it, in order to guarantee a look that is not only technical if not that it involves the actors involved for the development of the broad alternative that allows the development of conservation processes but that develops at the same time generates governance processes for the satisfactory development of the programs and projects outlined in this document. The results are based on the perception of the stakeholders who have identified the communities involved within the reserve from a broad perspective; Based on this prioritization, a proposal is made related to the rehabilitation of the reserve, the technical research allowed to identify the different environments within the reserve, to support the production of organic crops and to have an interaction of economic development with the environment .