Estudio del desequilibrio del recurso hídrico por extracción de hidrocarburos en la Vereda la Esmeralda del Municipio Acacias Meta
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The objective of this project is to perform an analysis of the imbalance of water resources generated by the exploitation of hydrocarbons in the Vereda la Esmeralda in the municipality of Acacias Department of Meta, with the development of a water Balance using information supplied by the IDEAM and Arcgis software. This process took place in two time periods (before and after the incorporation of the oil in the Region), in order to find the deficit and the percentage of decrease in water basin of the Caño lye. Evaluated variables such as the environment, the water resource and the social situation, where the impacts presented by the incorporation of the oil activity are problems that were analyzed by an environmental impact assessment and Social, resulting in conclusion that it is necessary to make detailed studies taking into account the opinion of the community, so in this way it is consciousness in regional entities Government and the same oil to natural resources is involved and which will be irreversible damage to the Region. It was determined a contingency plan which were identified and analyzed the natural threats and negative impacts that occur in the study area, as well as the mitigation measures that would allow a better execution of the exploration and exploitation of hydrocarbons, showing that the idea is not to settle this activity in the area, if not on the contrary keep a good handle for a common benefit.