Representaciones externas de estudiantes de grado noveno sobre el fenómeno de ansiedad
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The present work of degree is the result of an investigation developed with students. of the ninth grade of the RR Oblatas al Divino Amor school, whose objective was to identify and categorize the external representations (pictorial and symbolic) that students have about anxiety To account for this, the work proposal is framed within the interpretive paradigm of The qualitative approach, through the development and implementation of three activities (questionnaire, mind map and gallery of my heart) that were previously validated by experts. the the results were systematized and analyzed with the help of qualitative analysis software MAXQDA® and established categories that emerged from the literature review. Accordingly, the external representations that students have about anxiety are located. in four categories; three established categories: meaning, causes and symptoms and one category emerging called stress-anxiety relationship. Science education is expected to become more dynamic through the execution of the work. based on the representations students have about phenomena natural, since they can be changed, transformed or manipulated according to the interests or the environment, but which in turn contributes to decision-making.