Diseño de estrategia pedagógica partiendo del análisis de la competencia ficcional en estudiantes del curso de ascenso a subintendentes de la Escuela de Suboficiales y Nivel Ejecutivo Gonzalo Jiménez de Quesada (ESJIM) a través de la lectura multimodal de Gabriela Infinita.
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The fictional competence in the reader is what allows him to distinguish between the real and the fictional, leading him to perceive different elements that help him get involved in reading to the point that they feel, think and sometimes become the protagonist of the story . Said competence will be analyzed in the students of the promotion course to Sub-principals of the School of Sub-Officials and Executive Level Gonzalo Jiménez de Quesada (ESJIM), the exercise will be carried out under a pre-experimental descriptive type study, where the experiences of the multimodal reading of the trapped chapter of the novel Gabriela Infinita, which uses some elements that can be characterized by what Schaeffer (2012) calls fiction devices. Later on, the fictional competence of the students participating in the reading exercise of Gabriela Infinita in its different formats will be realized and through these results a pedagogical strategy (syllabus) will be designed. A characteristic of the syllabus, is that it is designed to be extrapolated to educational contexts such as the eleventh or first semester of undergraduate subjects that aim to develop reading and writing skills and also encourage reading skills such as fiction. This characteristic occurs thanks to the fact that the focus group that participated in the reading experience of Caught, they are part of the users of the new reading and writing practices, although they belong to a police institution, they do not stop being consumers of the digital age.