Relatos de vida de los niños y las niñas del grado 1º en el IED Julio Garavito Armero
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The present pedagogical and research work gave a voice to the children to count their most meaningful experiences by means of the story, in a gathering space as is the school. Keeping in mind that the pedagogical stories reflect the subjective and sociocultural roots of the experiences developed by the children unfolding them from sensitivity exercises that pretend to identify their tracks and the possible signs of the future. As teachers, we are not only in the charge of construct theoretical knowledge but also generate, built and feed a pleasant and affective social fabric where the subject-child voice is having in mind based on the verbal and nonverbal expressions of his/her language and what he/she wants to say with it. Due to that, we make an invitation to childhood teachers, not only to give importance to the theoretical learnings but also to the students development from all their factors and how they develop themselves in each one of their social, school and familiar contexts generating significant bonds of education and learning, having into account the way in which children internalize and adapt their most significant experiences and how they are taking place in the constant construction of the child identity as a social subject in an individual and collective way, it determines the way in which they are evolved in each one of their interaction contexts.