Estrategias para la elaboración de mapas de riesgo de fuentes de agua para consumo humano caso acueducto Acuazicame – Cundinamarca
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In this research project, the problem that arises in a rural aqueduct in the department of Cundinamarca is exposed, in relation to access to water and the permits required by Colombian regulations. In the development of the project, a review of the aspects contained and required in the current laws regarding the elaboration of risk maps of water sources for human consumption is carried out, identifying the institutions responsible for the elaboration of risk maps. Based on what was found in the review of the referring regulations, an identification and analysis of the most relevant critical aspects that generate said problem on which it is important to carry out an intervention is carried out. As a proposal, the most relevant and complementary information parameters are defined, and strategies aimed at strengthening the technical and institutional aspects are projected so that the institutions and associations of rural aqueducts together can prepare the risk maps of the sources of water for consumption. in order to obtain the permits required for access to water. The results of a descriptive and observational case study are presented, which allow the formulation of strengthening strategies for the elaboration of the risk map of water sources for human consumption. This project is related to the research line of "Dynamics of environmental development planning" of the Specialization in Environment and Local Development, since its development seeks to systematize dynamics related to patterns, structures and processes applied to the local context of the aqueduct. object of study.