Especialización en Ambiente y Desarrollo Local

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  • Ítem
    Propuesta de desarrollo sustentable para la Quebrada Chiguaza en la Localidad de Rafael Uribe Uribe – Bogotá 2024 – 2027
    Cortes Ovalle, Wilder Freddy; Gómez Hernández, Juan Camilo; Herreño, John Cheilin; Moreno Aguilar, Ruth Miriam; 0000-0002-5119-4840
    The present work establishes a sustainable development proposal for the Chiguaza stream located south of the city of Bogotá D.C., the stream is part of the Bogotá water system, which feeds the Tunjuelo River basin and in turn that of the Bogotá River, this subaccount of the Tunjuelo River in which the Chiguaza ravine is part, are located in the middle of multiple human activities, the main ones being housing, commerce and industrial-artisanal activities dedicated to the production of clay elements such as brick, tiles and pipes, using processing plants, chircals and ovens, and where the problem of unsustainability that generates deterioration in the ecosystem and affects the quality of life is evident. The document is based on an analysis of the current state (year 2023) in different aspects, such as environmental aspects with the analysis of discharges and polluting loads that contribute to the detriment of water quality, the presence of solid waste, the responsibilities that are granted to the community settled in the nearby perimeter and the obligations of the public and private institutions assigned to the territory of the ravine, recognizing this ecosystem as a subject of law (Bogotá, 2015) and the need for the community and various agents are considered for the analysis of the problem based on recognizing the complex essence of the problem present there. This proposal is essentially based on the development of artistic and cultural activities that seek to strengthen social awareness, as well as the integration of the community and institutions, in this way, the actions carried out by all the agents involved directly and indirectly in the dynamics of the ecosystem and the locality in order to restore it and eliminate the unsustainable conditions present in the stream to gradually achieve the recovery of the ecosystem. Likewise, social, cultural, technical and economic factors are taken into consideration, which support the need to propose this alternative with a focus on participation, the interdisciplinary contribution of the members, and the possibility of execution in the next four years (2024 – 2027) taking into account the government period.
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    Propuesta de un sistema de información ambiental participativo del ecobarrio la Esmeralda
    Sánchez Guevara, Erika Katherinne; Peréz Ayure, Jorge Enrique; Zamudio Suárez, Lady Nataly; Espinosa García, Helmut; 0000-0001-9341-3995
    Econeighborhoods are urban, ecological and sustainable projects that integrate environmental, social, economic and governance dynamics, which promote local development and social cohesion through a sustainable approach, offering environmental solutions and promoting practices around energy efficiency, the conservation of resources, the reduction of the environmental footprint, among other aspects, with the aim of mitigating climate change and improving the quality of life of the inhabitants. Therefore, the objective of this work was to propose a participatory environmental information system of La Esmeralda eco-neighborhood as an instrument of local planning within a territorial intelligence model to contribute to the construction of guidelines for a socio-environmental master plan. Thus, the research was developed through the mixed or qualitative-quantitative research methodology. Firstly, the characterization of La Esmeralda neighborhood was carried out through 4 dimensions of sustainable development, obtaining the state of the art of the eco-neighborhood and the spatial representation of the real scenario. In the second instance, the identification and analysis of local actors was carried out within the framework of territorial intelligence and local environmental governance supported by the MACTOR software, which gave way to a table of social and institutional actors and their competencies within the neighborhood, as well as, the study of the dynamics between them. Subsequently, the visions of the planned territories and the construction of the possible territories were identified, resulting in the proposal of the model of the 10 axes of the econeighborhood, together with the articulation matrix of the axes of the econeighborhood with national and international guidelines, and finally the socio-environmental proposal of the possible territory. Ultimately, the first version of a geographic viewer was built that shows the socio-environmental dynamics of La Esmeralda eco-neighborhood and guides it with the guidelines for the socio-environmental construction of the territory. Therefore, the study created a tool for the use of the neighborhood community and especially for the JAC La Esmeralda with the spatial information compiled from the territory, which will facilitate decision making around the organization and comprehensive management of the neighborhood, supporting the planning and formulation of plans and programs. For its part, the creation of the 10 axes model and implementation of the guide with the guidelines will lead to the achievement of the socio-environmental master plan and the commitments of the ÉcoQuartier.
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    Diseño de una estrategia de participación de actores territoriales para la restauración ecológica del Humedal La Florida de la Sabana de Bogotá
    Montealegre Garzón, Edna Lizeth; Osorio Garzón, Henry Yulian; Botia Flechas, Clara Judyth; 0000-0003-2540-2068
    Currently the La Florida wetland is zoned as an Ecological Restoration Area in accordance with the provisions of the POMCA of the Bogotá River, since 2006 the wetland was declared a Water Reserve, however, to date the wetland is not regulated because it does not have an approved PMA, in 2018 government and business entities signed a commitment agreement through a symbolic act for the recovery of the wetland, however, despite the fact that different agreements have been signed, approved different Plans, to this day there is no clear route for participation around the ecological restoration of the wetland. Considering the above, the main objective of this degree work is to design a strategy for the participation of territorial actors to achieve the ecological restoration of the La Florida wetland, for which an analysis of the environmental situation of the wetland was initially carried out, both in sector 1 and sector 2. In this analysis it became evident that sector 1 is protected and restored and on the contrary, sector 2 is very deteriorated. Subsequently, a bibliographic review identified the activities proposed and implemented in the wetland, and it was found that those implemented do not correspond to the proposed activities, because they fall short of achieving the ecological restoration of the wetland. The stakeholders mapping was also carried out using the MACTOR software, the plane of influences and dependencies was analyzed, the balance of positioning by objectives and the convergences and divergences between stakeholders, the main findings of the research show that, the most important convergences are between the two Directorates of the CAR and the Secretary of Environment of Funza, who are the authorities in charge of coordinating the activities of conservation and protection of the wetland, these stakeholders in turn are those who have a high influence to achieve the ecological restoration of the wetland, the weakest convergences are between the governmental actors and the economic actors because there is a great challenge of articulation to work together with the companies that are located in private properties. After the stakeholder mapping, the organizational structure of stakeholder participation was developed, where media strategies for dissemination, instances and moments of participation were proposed, together with evaluation and follow-up, to finally design the strategy for territorial stakeholder participation, recommending and explaining the application of the IPP (Information, Participation and Product) methodology by means of an example. The organizational structure of participation and the strategy of participation of territorial stakeholders seeks to achieve a strengthening among stakeholders, identify new perspectives of the territory, positive changes in the ecosystem and its neighbors through the dynamization of the participation of the wetland's territorial stakeholders.
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    Propuesta de estrategias de mitigación y adaptación al riesgo por variabilidad climática en el sector de San Isidro Patios-UPL Cerros Orientales, Bogotá D.C. 2004-2035
    Ballén Ortiz, Maryi Alexandra; Castañeda Palacios, William Andres; MORENO AGUILAR, RUTH MIRIAM
    The subject of interest of the project is oriented towards the visibility of climate risk, the understanding and perception of the concepts of hazard and vulnerability in the San Isidro- Patios site, located in the Chapinero district. The sector was chosen for the analysis because it is one of the critical points of high multidimensional vulnerability in the city of Bogota and susceptible to the presentation of risks, which also generate influence and impacts in the neighboring municipality of La Calera. For this reason, it was decided to address the problem and its effects, with the aim of making a historical diagnosis of the territory that includes the characterization of threat factors, evaluation of vulnerability circumstances, analysis of risk perception and management, and the proposal of strategic proposals with a focus on mitigation and adaptation to climate risk in the area.
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    Acciones de aprovechamiento sustentable de las cesiones de la Vereda Chuntame en Cajicá 2018-2028
    Díaz Garzón, Daniela; Corredor Otavo, María Fernanda; Fajardo Riveros, Carolina Andrea; Moreno Aguilar, Ruth Miriam; 0000-0002-5119-4840
    The proximity of the municipality of Cajicá to the country's capital has generated growth in the construction of large-scale urban projects. By identifying this phenomenon, a series of actions are proposed for the sustainable use of all the areas that the builders allocate to public space, in accordance with the obligation framed in Law 388 of 1997 and that, according to the analysis carried out, and the interviews carried out with the community are spaces in which it is not possible to develop activities related to the dimensions of sustainable development, these being transversal to human activities since currently these parks have been displaced for the almost exclusive use of the childhood, so we intend to present actions that allow the entire population to recover these areas and make efficient use of them without ignoring the impact of our activities on the environment.
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    Acciones de aprovechamiento sustentable de las zona de cesión de la vereda Chuntame en Cajicá 2018 - 2028
    Fajardo Riveros, Carolina Andrea; Diaz Garzón, Daniela; Corredor Otavo, María Fernanda; Moreno Aguilar, Ruth Miriam
    The proximity of the municipality of Cajicá to the country's capital has generated growth in the construction of large-scale urban projects. By identifying this phenomenon, a series of actions are proposed for the sustainable use of all the areas that the builders allocate to public space, by the obligation framed in Law 388 of 1997 and, according to the analysis carried out, and the interviews carried out with the community are spaces in which it is not possible to develop activities related to the dimensions of sustainable development, these being transversal to human activities since currently these parks have been displaced for the almost exclusive use of the childhood, so we intend to present actions that allow the entire population to recover these areas and make efficient use of them without ignoring the impact of our activities on the environment.
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    El turismo rural comunitario como promotor para el desarrollo local sostenible de la vereda La Puerta del municipio de Tota Boyacá
    Ramos Niño, Jonathan Alejandro; Salazar Elejalde, Dayana; Botia Flechas, Clara Judyth
    This degree thesis presents an alternative for sustainable local development through the implementation of rural community through the implementation of rural community tourism for the Vereda la Puerta in the municipality of Tota municipality of Tota – Boyacá, in order to overcome the challenges generated by the social, economic and environmental social, economic and environmental dimensions generated by the Covid pandemic 19, considerably affecting tourism activities due to confinements and sanitary measures to mitigate these effects, for which it was proposed to mitigate said affectations with the proposal to articulate rural agricultural activities with the tourist offer, highlighting the landscape, cultural, gastronomic and artisan cultural, gastronomic and handicraft potentials of the territory, with the contribution experiences encountered by researchers during international visits to the countries of Peru, Bolivia and Chile. Consequently, the dynamics of the socio-cultural, economic and environmental dimensions of the Verada were identified, economic and environmental dimensions of the Verada, to later carry out a FODA analysis, that I contribute to the formulation of strategies for the implementation of Rural Community Tourism (TRC), together with the design of experiences that can be Rural Community Tourism (TRC), accompanied by the design of the experiences that could be developed by the community as an alternative to strengthen the local sustainable economy.
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    Los servicios ecosistémicos de la apicultura en la finca “El Cagier” como alternativa de desarrollo local sostenible en la vereda El Verjón Bajo de Teusacá de la Reserva Forestal Protectora Bosque Oriental de Bogotá
    Silva Riveros, Christian Alirio; Muñoz Carranza, Jeimy Andrea; Santos Alvarado, Cristian Alejandro; García Valbuena, César Augusto
    With the present research work, we seek to identify the ecosystem services generated as a result of the development of beekeeping on the "El Cagier" farm and its contribution to the local development of the El Verjón Bajo de Teusacá village, under the connotations of the farm. located in a rural area of ​​the town of Santa Fé in Bogotá and on which falls the figure of the Bosque Oriental de Bogotá Protective Forest Reserve (RFPBOB). During the development of the work, it is intended to determine how the beekeeping activity and the associated ecosystem services contribute to the sustainable local development of the village and to correct the conflict of land use evidenced in the eastern hills of Bogotá, this is done through: a detailed bibliographical review, the application of semi-structured interviews to the beekeepers of the farm and the inhabitants of the village, the participation of the beekeepers in the development of the transect methodology and direct observation together with the experiences obtained by the researchers during the work field. Among the beekeeping ecosystem services identified on the farm under study, the most visible correspond to provisioning services, reflected in obtaining pollen and honey, followed by regulation ecosystem services, with pollination as a contribution to the reproduction of native forest, and finally cultural ecosystem services, as a network of people interested in sustainable development is being woven, who exchange their experiences and knowledge. On the other hand, it is identified that the beekeeping activity has very good prospects for development in the high mountain ecosystem in the sub-páramo and is an appropriate alternative to correct the land use conflict and promote the economic reactivation of properties located in the forest reserve area. Based on the above, the work team formulates strategies for the implementation of beekeeping as an economic activity that generates sustainable local development in the village of El Verjón Bajo de Teusacá and an activity that contributes to the process of reconciliation between the inhabitants, their natural environment and the environmental authority.
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    Evaluación del agraz (Vaccinium meridionale Swartz) como un negocio verde para la asociación comunitaria Asotorres en Ráquira – Boyacá
    Polania Cleves, Karen Astrid; Urrego García, Jorge Alberto; López Camacho, René; López Camacho, René [0000-0003-2026-0371]
    Green businesses are economic activities that promote the use of goods or services that generate positive impacts and good environmental, social and economic practices. This research work focused on carrying out the evaluation of the agraz (Vaccinium meridionale Sw) as a green business for the community association ASOTORRES in Raquira - Boyaca. The data collection of primary information was carried out through interviews (structured and semi-structured), participatory workshop, social cartography and field verification to 22 associates; in order to characterize the productive chain, identify elements of social value and diagnose the practices of use and environmental management. In the evaluation of the green business judgment, it was obtained as a result that ASOTORRES are at an "Advanced" level, since they assume use and management practices that are aimed at protecting the high Andean ecosystems where the fruit is obtained, the impact was identified positive that they generate to promote the strengthening of the social weave and governance in their territory; being an instrument that promotes sustainable local development, not only for the paths of the associates, but in general for the municipality of Raquira.
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    Estructuración de un PROCEDA enfocado en la gestión integral de residuos sólidos en el Parque Entrenubes: Barrios La Cumbre y San Martín
    Montenegro Medina, Jose Luis; Ruiz Rodríguez, María Camila; Peña Prieto, Maribel; Coy Verano, Uriel
    The neighborhoods of La Cumbre and San Martin are within the boundaries of the Entrenubes public eco park, where a multitude of conflicts have been created due to the fact that their inhabitants do not recognize the natural potential and the environmental services rendered by the ecosystem, since they recognize it rather as a threat or conflict due to it being declared a protected area. This natural space is an opportunity to accomplish a sustainable development in the territory not without tending to the basic needs. Due to this, the structuring of a PROCEDA was done in order to transform waste management conflicts into development opportunities for the empowerment of the community, defining the environmental strategies that better suit the territory and its needs. First a characterization of the population was done through bibliographies and interviews, to provide context to the investigation. Furthermore, to get to know the priorities of the inhabitants, 4 workshops were created with the purpose of establishing the socio environmental conflicts, the community's proposals and their vision as a territory. From this point on, an analysis is done to determine the best sustainability alternative, which consists of an eco neighborhood that frames several of the proposals and is compliant with PROCEDA criteria. Additionally, the proposals to be developed with the investment lines of the current Plan de Desarrollo Local for the Rafael Uribe Uribe municipality are added, to define which proposals are to be developed through the PROCEDA and which ones can support the project from different sources of action and financing.
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    Estrategias que mitiguen el problema socioambiental generado por el embalse del Muña a las comunidades de las veredas La Unión y San Benito en Sibaté (Cundinamarca)
    Marlés Quintana, Karen Stephany; Pira Lemus, Jorge Andres; Botia Flechas, Clara Judyth
    The present work shows an analysis of the instances of participation between the inhabitants of the villages La Unión and San Benito of the Municipality of Sibaté, Cundinamarca, with the institutional actors and the impact that it has caused for decision-making regarding socio-environmental problems. generated by the Muña Reservoir. The main affectations produced by the Reservoir towards the people of the villages are bad odors and the proliferation of vectors that appear, directly affecting the public health of the inhabitants. The conflict identified in the territory is due to the disarticulation of the institutional actors with the inhabitants of the villages, since the actions carried out by the actors do not respond to the needs and priorities of the communities, given the above, the instances were determined. of participation that have been carried out between the communities and the actors involved. Likewise, some actions and activities carried out by the actors to mitigate the socio-environmental problem were identified. Also, an analysis of the impact that the participation spaces have and the importance they have in the actions implemented by the institutional actors to mitigate the problem was carried out, likewise, the main needs presented by the inhabitants of the villages were defined from the concerted prioritization methodology of social and environmental problems so that in the short and medium term the actions to be carried out by the actors are focused on what the communities require. Likewise, the initiatives that the communities have generated over time to minimize the socio-environmental problems present in the territory were recognized, and the impact generated, finally, an analysis of the agreements proposed by the community and the actors involved was carried out and the fulfillment and execution of these. Finally, some strategies were proposed based on the ECLAC Methodology for the elaboration of local development strategies that will contribute to minimizing the socio-environmental conflict presented in the villages of La Unión and San Benito, and in this way strengthen the instances of participation between the community and institutional actors and the articulation between the actors involved.
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    Prácticas agroecológicas para la armonización del patrón de ocupación territorial con la quebrada La Salitrosa, Suba, Bogotá: 2020-2025
    Loaiza Parra, Pedro Oswaldo; Castillo Castañeda, María Fernanda; Aguado Castaño, Sebastián; Gómez Franco, Angélica Julieth; Hernández Peña, Yolanda Teresa; Hernández Peña, Yolanda Teresa [0000-0002-2846-7273]
    La Salitrosa Creek, located in the Suba district, is a micro-watershed that belongs to the Bogotá River sub-basin and is the connecting ecosystem between the Cerro and the Conejera Wetland. The pattern of territorial occupation around the ecosystem has not been in harmony with it, it is characterized by irregular, unplanned urbanization and over the flooded areas, so that in the territory there are conflictive scenarios such as the modification of the riverbed, the loss of ecosystem connectivity, the risk of flooding in residential, commercial and agricultural areas, deficient drainage control systems and pollution. With the objective of proposing agroecological practices for the harmonization of the territorial occupation pattern around La Salitrosa Creek in the period 2020-2025, in response to the problems raised, using a mixed methodology, the characterization, analysis and interpretation of the territorial occupation pattern and the agroecological practices in the creek's surroundings were carried out as an alternative to build new ways of relating with the ecosystem in a harmonious manner. The main result was the structuring with the community of such practices, which are focused on the approach of agroecology principles and with the intention of establishing an urban agroecosystem from ecological connectivity, food sovereignty and waste management.
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    Acciones interinstitucionales para incidir en el desarrollo sustentable de la vereda Fátima, localidad de Santa Fe, 2020-2024
    Cortés Cortés, Erika Estefanía; Beltrán Reina, Gisseth Lorena; Alonso Buenaventura Wendy Jineth; Laiton Sánchez, Diana Carolina Diana Carolina; Moreno Aguilar, Ruth Miriam; Moreno Aguilar, Ruth Miriam [0000-0002-5119-4840]
    This degree work proposes inter-institutional actions to contribute to the sustainable development of the village of Fátima, starting with the characterization of the actions that the institutions have carried out in the village, to then extract the components and the perception of this qualified action based on unsustainability. . These sustainable inter-institutional actions may be a navigation route for the institutionality to work in an articulated manner and continue to take into account the needs of the Fatimenos to contribute to the sustainable development of the territory under study. In addition, it can be an input when formulating public policies that contribute to the well-being of the rural community located in the adequacy strip of the eastern hills of the city.
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    Lineamientos contextualizados para la gestión sostenible de residuos sólidos domiciliarios generados en 2 sectores rurales del municipio Villa de San Diego de Ubaté, Cundinamarca, 2022-2027
    Baquero Alba, Julieth Tatiana; Garzón Marín, Lina Paola; Gordillo Charar, Danna Carolina; Mariño Tibaná, Nidia Johana; Moreno Aguilar, Ruth Myriam; Moreno Aguilar, Ruth Myriam [0000-0002-5119-4840]
    The municipality of Villa de San Diego de Ubaté, Cundinamarca, has nine rural areas which present problems associated with the inadequate management of household solid waste. This mainly due to a partial coverage in the provision of public sanitation services. Therefore, the present work focuses on the Chirquín and El Cedro sectors of the Guatancuy rural area. This work studies the context of the territory through a mixed methodology (quantitative and qualitative techniques), which allowed the characterization, analysis and interpretation of the current household solid waste management, in the phases of integrated management in relation to the dimensions of sustainable development. In this way, the contextualized guidelines were constructed based on the SWOT analysis, the potentialities, challenges, risks and limitations of the territory using the Methodology for the elaboration of local development strategies (ECLAC, 2012). As a result, the contextualized guidelines frame actions and strategies in all dimensions of the sustainable development and the phases of integrated household solid waste management. Finally, after its presentation, there was a favorable acceptance by the institution, expressing the feasibility of articulation with the municipality's Integrated Solid Waste Management Plan (or PGIRS for its acronym in Spanish).
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    Recomendaciones para un consumo sostenible que permita disminuir los residuos en la Terminal de Transporte de Bogotá sede Salitre, 2022-2028
    Figueroa López, Andrés Felipe; León Forero, Yennyfer Andrea; Basto Almanza, Emilce; Moreno Aguilar, Ruth Miriam; Moreno Aguilar, Ruth Miriam [0000-0002-5119-4840]
    This research explores the consumption of users and workers of the Terminal de Bogotá Salitre HQ, as an instrument to replace and reduce the solid waste generated. Non-probabilistic surveys were carried out on workers from different areas within the Terminal with the intend of showing consumption patterns; in addition, semi-structured interviews with relevant actors to identify the activities and areas involved in the generation of solid waste. The dimensions of sustainable development will be used for the dimensional and inter dimensional analysis of the relationship between consumption and waste; this leads up to the recommendations to reduce solid waste by altering consumption habits with the input of the community.
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    Formulación de medidas encaminadas a la restauración hidrológico forestal de la subcuenca laguna de Suesca (Cundinamarca)
    Limas Moreno, Lina Maria; Escamilla Quiroga, Dayana; Castañeda Quinchia, Danna Estefania; Laitón Cañas, Cristian Santiago; Garcia Valbuena, Cesar Augusto
    In this work, measures were formulated to contribute to the hydrological-forest restoration of the Laguna de Suesca sub-basin, for this purpose a diagnosis of the socio-environmental conditions was made through social mapping workshops carried out in the El Hatillo and Ovejeras villages, the state of vegetation cover under the Corine Land Cover methodology and the water behavior of the sub-basin through the water balance and the multitemporal analysis of the changes in the Laguna's water mirror. As a result of the participatory diagnosis, it was identified that cattle ranching, agriculture and mining are the main causes of the current state of the sub-basin, and the lagoon is considered by the population as the central axis of life. Regarding vegetation cover, it was determined that clean pastures occupy most of the territory with a percentage of 60%. On the other hand, it was identified that the sub-basin is in water deficit and the water mirror has been reduced by 57.06%. For the prioritization of the areas to be intervened, the EDANA - C methodology was used, where areas were categorized by environmental damage, so that low damage was 26 %, medium damage was 56 % and the remaining 17 % presented high environmental damage. In accordance with the above, measures aimed at hydrological-forest restoration were designed for the recovery of forest cover, implementation of a community nursery, bioengineering works (trenches) and silvopastoral systems (live fences and protein banks).
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    ¿Dueños de su desarrollo?, Luces y sombras del desarrollo local sostenible en el biocomercio del Viche
    Molano Bello, Laura Andrea; Selibas, Dimitri; Muñoz Hernández, Miguel Ángel; García Valbuena, Cesar Augusto; García Valbuena, Cesar Augusto [0000-0002-5899-4955]
    This research deals with the biotrade of distilled Viche within rural Black communities of the Buenaventura municipality, Valle del Cauca Department, in Colombia's Pacific region. The main objective of the study was to understand how the configuration of Viche value chains effect local sustainable development in the communities producing the artesanal beverage. Through an ethnographic approach, the research covers the stages of production, distribution and consumption of Viche, identifying key actors, socio-environmental and cultural conflicts, as well as the legal and economic challenges faced by the trade of this ancestral liquor.
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    Estrategias para el reconocimiento de las mujeres rurales en la política pública de ruralidad de Bogotá frente a los usos del agua: caso pieza rural río Tunjuelo
    Acosta Jiménez, Yamith; Guzmán Giraldo, Adriana Paola; Pérez Corredor, Yudy Yohanna; Botía Flechas, Clara Judyth
    The present work formulates strategies for the recognition of rural women in the Public Policy of Rurality of Bogotá against the uses of water. Rural women in Bogotá D.C, suppose particular conditions, they already exercise different roles in their territory around water. The study area is the Rural Piece of the Tunjuelo River, which is made up of the rural area of the towns of Usme and Ciudad Bolívar. The main problems of the inclusion of rural women in the public policy of Ruralidad de Bogotá around the uses of water are described, likewise the roles of rural women and their participation in the uses of water are identified from other planning instruments. The field work allowed interpreting the different contributions that rural women make regarding the uses of water and the knowledge they have regarding the Public Policy of Rurality in Bogotá D.C. The strategic component of other planning instruments at the national and district level is also addressed, such as the Public Policy for Women, Equity and Gender, the Policy for Drinking Water Supply and Basic Sanitation in Rural Areas, the POMCA Río Bogotá, the strategic guidelines of Peasant, Family and Community Agriculture public policy, the POT (current and in formulation), as well as the local development plans of Usme and Ciudad Bolívar and the Capital District in the last two periods. Finally, general and specific strategies are proposed that can allow the recognition of rural women in the framework of the public policy of Rurality in Bogotá D.C. and the institutional actors for its fulfillment.
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    Estrategias para la elaboración de mapas de riesgo de fuentes de agua para consumo humano caso acueducto Acuazicame – Cundinamarca
    Wilches Bustos, Carolina; García Valbuena, Cesar Augusto
    In this research project, the problem that arises in a rural aqueduct in the department of Cundinamarca is exposed, in relation to access to water and the permits required by Colombian regulations. In the development of the project, a review of the aspects contained and required in the current laws regarding the elaboration of risk maps of water sources for human consumption is carried out, identifying the institutions responsible for the elaboration of risk maps. Based on what was found in the review of the referring regulations, an identification and analysis of the most relevant critical aspects that generate said problem on which it is important to carry out an intervention is carried out. As a proposal, the most relevant and complementary information parameters are defined, and strategies aimed at strengthening the technical and institutional aspects are projected so that the institutions and associations of rural aqueducts together can prepare the risk maps of the sources of water for consumption. in order to obtain the permits required for access to water. The results of a descriptive and observational case study are presented, which allow the formulation of strengthening strategies for the elaboration of the risk map of water sources for human consumption. This project is related to the research line of "Dynamics of environmental development planning" of the Specialization in Environment and Local Development, since its development seeks to systematize dynamics related to patterns, structures and processes applied to the local context of the aqueduct. object of study.
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    Análisis del asentamiento informal del barrio San Germán, ubicado en el cerro Juan Rey, localidad de Usme, para la generación de propuestas que contribuyan a la sostenibilidad del parque distrital Entrenubes.
    Ramirez Espitia, Fabio Enrique; Verdugo Vargas, Andrés Felipe; Preciado Hurtado, Natalia; Coy Verano, Uriel
    This research approach the phenomenon of informal neighborhoods in nature reserve areas, particularly in what the Bogotá Land Use Plan defines as a Mountain District Ecological Park. For this reason, this work deals with a specific neighborhood, called San Germán, which is located within Parque Entrenubes, which, in turn, is located in the southeast of the capital. A neighborhood without legal clarity in its legalization and with multiple socio-environmental problems. In this sense, this research is presented as a useful case study to understand some characteristics of informal neighborhoods, their history, their socio-environmental impacts, and the alternatives offered by sustainable occupation models for this type of neighborhoods.