Incidencia de la inadecuada planificación del alcance, costo y tiempo; en un contrato de obra pública de conservación de infraestructura vial en Bogotá
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When it comes to infrastructure projects for the public sector, success is sought through the specific achievement of objectives related to the proper use of public resources, within the deadlines and criteria specified by the contracting entity. This success depends on project management in terms of planning, organization, monitoring, and control of variables that influence execution. Therefore, the purpose of this thesis is to analyze the current state of the project being carried out under the construction contract No. 1711 of 2020, signed between the Urban Development Institute (IDU) and the CHI019 Consortium as the contracting company. The project aims to "preserve vehicular bridges in the city of Bogotá D.C." Although the contract is still in progress and within the established contractual period, it has numerous shortcomings that have hindered its optimal development. These deficiencies include, for example, the overestimation of the physical target value by the IDU, delays in the timely delivery of diagnostics and designs by the contractor for the bridges to be intervened, errors in the planning of the cost and time baseline caused by the overestimation of the works by the entity, and compliance with the entity's requirement to deliver a Detailed Work Plan (PDT), which was done with very low budgetary precision. Lastly, changes in the project scope that had to be modified during project execution. Following a detailed analysis of the project, the Earned Value Management (EVM) project management tool was employed. This tool provides quantitative parameters on the project's performance based on the planning, revealing cost and time deviations. This allowed for quick and effective decision-making to provide solutions for improving the project's conditions. The deviations encountered were discouraging, predicting the project would end with cost overruns and exorbitant losses outside the established deadlines. Therefore, project management tools such as Crashing and Fast Tracking were applied to intensify and expedite the project, respectively. This approach allowed for an exploration of ways to improve project conditions and achieve its termination in the best possible manner. In the end, the alternatives presented in this thesis were delivered to the executives and managers responsible on the part of the contracting company. These alternatives serve as options to successfully complete the project, meeting the objectives and scope set by the contracting entity. This approach aims to avoid negatively impacting the company and demonstrates the beneficial use of project management tools in enhancing project execution.