Prototipo de asistente académico inteligente para la atención de dudas del proyecto curricular de Tecnología en Sistematización de Datos e Ingeniería en Telemática
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The development of the present project “Prototype of Intelligent Academic Assistant for the Attention of Doubts of the Curricular Project of Technology in Data Systematization and Telematics Engineering”, is carried out as support for the attention of procedures by students in the coordination of the curricular project. The main characteristic of this tool is to facilitate the resolution of concerns about procedures that students have, providing clear and concise answers, which allows a timely solution in the management and execution of administrative processes.
For the analysis of the problem presented, it is justified through an interview with the professional and administrative support assistant of the curricular project. In general, the current management of procedures and the conflicts that have arisen for their timely attention are analyzed, mainly the lack of reading by students and the number of requests received in the curricular project.
During the development of the tool, a prior analysis was carried out of the technologies necessary to achieve the objective, technologies for the communication channels and AI training, the assignment of activities for the design, the training of the model and the integration with WhatsApp. Taking into account the tests carried out and the set of results obtained, a successful result was achieved in the training and a high percentage of coherence in the answers to the questions that were tested, thus fulfilling the objectives initially proposed.