Elaboración del plan estratégico de seguridad vial para la Empresa Meridian Consulting Ltda. bajo los lineamientos de la Resolución 1565 de 2014
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This project aims to support the company Meridian Consulting Ltda in the development of the road safety strategic plan in order to progress in the aforementioned legal compliance. This support will be carried out through the application of the methodological guide for the preparation of the PESV, established in Resolution 1565 of 2014, through the creation of a work team that will be carried out with the creation of a road safety committee, the definition of roles and responsibilities of senior management and the establishment of a road safety policy; conducting an analysis of the company and its context, including its activities, its personnel, travel, infrastructure and all those risks that affect the organization from road safety; the definition and programming of the actions necessary to control the risks identified, according to the axes defined in Law 1503 of 2011 and its Decree 2851 of 2013 (human behavior, safe vehicles, safe infrastructure and victim assistance); the preparation of the necessary documentation for the initial implementation of the actions defined for the control of risks, such as driver selection procedure, training program, control of driver documentation, regulation policies, matrix of personal protection elements and plan of preventive maintenance; and the establishment of monitoring and evaluation mechanisms of the PESV that allows the company to obtain information on the real materialization of the actions included in the plan or on the results that may be generated, and on the evolution of these actions during its development.