Diseño geométrico, de señalización vial y estimativo de costos para la adecuación de la Intersección de la Avenida Caracas con la Autopista al Llano al Sur de Bogotá D.C.
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The present Project has as object pose A new Geometric Design, Road Marking and Cost Estimates for the Intersection of Caracas Avenue with freeway to the Eastern plains, located to the south of Bogota. This Intersection is in the UPZ 57 - Gran Yomasa, Locality 5 Usme.
For the development of the project, consulted in the mobility secretariat the information corresponding to volumes of current traffic at the aforementioned intersection. With the information was obtained evaluated the current conditions in the simulator Sim Traffic version 8.0 finding a level of service F, which is the most critical. This result was corroborated by calculations formulated in the highway capacity manual HCM 2000. The foregoing justified the need for a new geometric design to mitigate the current congestion in the area, from which began the calculation and geometric design of the new intersection following the Manual of Geometric Design of Highway of INVIAS and the urban design guide For Bogota, taking into account the parameters of each manual that are applicable to the particular project, some general formulas and parameters that apply to all road designs and others specific to a layout in the city.
Through the calculations, was obtained the minimum radius of curvature, minimum between tangents, camber and other elements characteristic of a geometric highway design. Subsequently, were made the layout of the new intersection in Civil AutoCAD and were generated a Divergent Intersection in Diamond, the divergence is developed in Caracas Avenue with a high step on the avenue Boyacá, at the same time, Boyacá Avenue have a depressed step under Caracas Avenue with the objective of reducing the longitudinal pendulum of the vehicular bridge and comply with the requirement of Gauge.
At the end of the design in AutoCAD was evaluated the new Intersection in Sim Traffic with the volumes projected to 20 years, obtaining a service level The end of the design period and a level B with current volumes. The result obtained was optimum fulfilling the objective of the project and left open the possibility to improve and deepen the proposed alternative.