Investigación documental de las memorias del Congreso Nacional de Investigación en enseñanza de la biología y el Congreso internacional sobre formación de profesores de ciencias, sobre la enseñanza de la biología y su relación con la construcción de ciudadanías
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This documentary research is the product of the first phase of the international project Education in Biology and the Construction of Citizenships: a Latin American perspective, which accounts for the characteristics of the relationships between the teaching of biology and the construction of citizenships that have been developed in the Colombian territory from the review of the Congreso Nacional de Investigación en Enseñanza de la Biología and the Congreso Internacional Sobre Formación de Profesores de Ciencias. To carry it out, three phases were used: 1. Theoretical or Pre-analysis 2. Descriptive Analytical and 3. Interpretative, in accordance with the provisions of the semantic content analysis, using the Atlas ti 9.0 software. The information was categorized into epistemological perspectives of biology, types of citizenship, teaching approaches, teaching of biology for the construction of citizenships and teaching for the construction of citizenships. There was a trend in the relationship of science teaching from a notion of classical citizenship, with the CTSA approach, that is, citizens with scientific and technological literacy, with critical posture, social responsibility and participation skills for the solution of socio-environmental problems towards a sustainable future, mainly from the framework of environmental education. It could be concluded that this is a subject little explored in Colombia, despite its relevance.