Inspección patológica de pavimentos flexibles en un sector específico de Bogotá D.C., como fase del proyecto “comparativa patológica de pavimentos flexibles en climas extremos y la toma de decisiones asociadas” del convenio interinstitucional con la Universidad Federal de Integración Latino - Americana – Unila
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A visual inspection of flexible pavement was performed in a specific area of Bogota 770.039,64 sq, formed by the cadastral sectors: Ciudad Jardin Sur and Barrio Caracas that are part of the UPZ (unit zonal planning) 35 of the locality 15 (Antonio Nariño), for the purpose of obtain a representative sample of the condition of flexible pavements in the area and together with other studies to be developed in different localities of the city, is going to achieved detailed analysis of the behavior of flexible pavements according to weather of the city. The Federal University of Latin American Integration - UNILA - leads an agreement with the University Francisco Jose de Caldas and the University Juarez del Estado de Durango - UJED, whose object is develop the "pathological comparative flexible pavement in extreme climates and decision associated decisions". To that purpose a study of analysis that allows us to measure the degree of sustainability of asphalt pavement structure under different environmental scenarios developed.In this project the analysis, understanding and management of field data is emphasized; the corresponding damage with photographic record considering the type of damage, severity, area and road geometry were captured. In office work analysis and data processing for the purpose of generate a damage report evidencing percentage and area affected by the flexible pavement to expose it through graphs, tables was performed, this study is supported in manual for inspection visual of flexible pavements of national roads (INVIAS), October 2006 and with the support of AutoCAD software, a digital map in dwg format, In the city of Bogota were located in the inspection area damage found in the road segments. Therefore it is of great importance education of topographical engineer in the area of pavements in order to achieve excellent performance in the different stages of this, from planning to rehabilitation, and in this way to strengthen the fields of action of topographical engineer taking as precedent the increase in the supply of road projects.