Apoyo en la formulación de la Agenda Ambiental del Sistema de Gestión Ambiental Municipal SIGAM de la Corporación Autónoma Regional de Cundinamarca en los municipios de Yacopí, Pacho y Puerto Salgar
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Due to the importance of generating environmental management within the municipalities of the CAR-Cundinamarca jurisdiction, the following project aims to support the formulation of the Environmental Agenda of the municipalities of Yacopí, Pacho and Puerto Salgar. To fulfill the development of the internship, a work plan was established to describe the activities to do during through months in the CAR aimed at providing technical assistance though the SIGAM digital platform to the municipalities, to constantly do a monitor of the three municipalities arranged for the year 2018 in the construction process of the Environmental Agenda mainly in the environmental profile section and provide support to the SIGAM team in the fulfillment of the 2016-2019 Institutional Action Plan. Throughout the report it´s explained how the work of the internship was developed in the DGOAT area in the SIGAM subdivision during a period of five months, also the result obtained for each one of the three municipalities and their respective analysis are illustrated, framing the importance of strengthening this branch of the CAR because it allows the territory to recognize its space the things that it offers and how to conserve it, likewise it allows them to the different division of the corporation to take the information from this process for their own benefit in the processes to do.