Diversidad funcional en un gradiente altitudinal del complejo de Páramos Sumapaz - Cruz Verde
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Four transects were established in different locations around the complex moors Sumapaz - Green Cross in order to study the functional ecology from the characterization of plant functional types (TFP) that belong to them. This through the establishment of seven stations along an elevational gradient of 700 meters, where they established a total of three plots per station and 21 plots per transect, whose size varied depending on the studied ecosystem. For characterization of these functional types were considered five traits (AF, AFE, CFMSH, DM and HMAX), finding the consolidation of four TFP that vary in their representativeness along the gradient depending on the adaptive strategy of component species. TFP grouped these 96 species distributed in 53 genera and 30 families, the importance of TFP 2 and 3 present in the so-called transition zone between high Andean forest and paramo is highlighted, providing inputs not only in the planning of research lines that contribute analysis of adaptive strategies of the species to climate change in high mountain ecosystems, but also to exalt the importance of this transition zone in the population dynamics of the environment.