Apoyo en los procesos de seguimiento, evaluación y mejora continua de los sistemas de gestión de residuos sólidos en la empresa Superpolo S.A.S.
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This report presents the results obtained in the development of the internship at SUPERPOLO S.A.S., where initially a normative and conceptual contextualization of the management of waste generated in the company is established and from this, tools such as the implementation of quarantines in the productive areas, in order to identify shortcomings in the segregation of waste and implement corresponding improvements. Additionally, reports on waste segregation are presented using the Power BI tool, which allows for clear visualization of data on the use of 67.5% of the material arriving at the collection center. Finally, the implementation of these reports facilitates the traceability of hazardous and non-usable waste in relation to the graphical representation of the indicators established in these streams.