Informe de pasantía: acompañamiento, intervención e innovación desde el componente pedagógico en el centro zonal (ICBF) Usme
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This document constitutes the final report on the development of the internship, carried out through the inter-administrative agreement to link as an Ad Honorem practitioner of early childhood education between the Francisco José de Caldas District University and the Colombian Institute of Family Welfare (ICBF). The internship was carried out specifically at the Usme Zonal Center of the Bogotá Regional, through resolution No. 1076 of May 5, 2022. This document is descriptive and reflective in which, on the one hand, the tasks, accompaniments and tasks carried out during the internship period are reported as activities requested by the zonal center and, on the other hand, the internship project that was proposed and materialized autonomously by the interns in the zonal center as an innovation proposal. Finally, the contributions that the experience generated to the teacher training of the students of the Degree in Early Childhood Pedagogy and the contributions and suggestions that they deserve both for the District University and for Family Well-being are disclosed, in order that be taken into account for future agreements.