Estudio hidrológico de crecientes y cálculo de niveles máximos en la quebrada Chimice para control de riesgo en la población del municipio de Guasca
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Through the internship carried out in the Planning Advisory Office of the Guasca Mayor's Office, the present work is based on the estimation of the rising and maximum levels of the Quebrada Chimice in the municipality of Guasca; where said body of water is characterized by flows that potentially generate flooding in the areas surrounding the main channel, in addition to processes of undermining and dragging of sediments of different granulometries in the bed of the creek. Through secondary information and the knowledge acquired through the professional career of Sanitary Engineering, it is possible to justify and clarify the development of the study, in addition to software such as HEC-RAS (developed by the United States Corps of Engineers) and ArGIS as a system of geographic information GIS. Therefore, in order to reduce these impacts, it will be necessary to carry out an analysis of hydrological parameters, which will include the estimation of maximum flows, precipitation, detailed morphometric characterization of the Quebrada and the climatological and hydraulic analysis, as well as a mitigation control for the population in the face of said problem.