Formulación de una guía de sensibilización socio ambiental para el uso, manejo y conservación de los parques ecológicos distritales de humedales, Bogotá D.C.
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The aim of this paper is to design a socioambiental awareness guide for the appropriate use and conservation of four wetlands in Bogotá: Juan Amarillo or Tibabuyes, Santa Maria del Lago, La conejera and Torca in the localities of Suba and Engativa. It is expected that this guide will highlight the importance of generating informative material about the relevance of handling, using and conserving internal wetlands of Bogotá from an engineering perspective, allowing the community to recover wetlands and preventing harmful actions that may generate irreversible impact. To achieve this purpose, it was made a review of the informative material created by pertinent government and district entities. After that, there were selected and described three engineering works that are guided towards the reshaping of the wetlands which seek for the recovery of the water mirror, the water round and the implementation of ecological trails. Based on this, it was selected one of these works to subsequently propose the recovery design which could be implemented on the selected wetlands.