Caracterización del Banco de Semillas Germinable (BSG) en diferentes coberturas de la formación bosque seco tropical, Huila - Colombia
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In Colombia, the formation of tropical dry forest has undergone a high degree of transformation and degradation mainly due to the development of anthropic activities such as intensive agriculture and extensive cattle ranching. For this reason, the objective of this research was the characterization in the bs-T, of the germinable seed bank (GSB) in forest (F), shrub (S), open pasture (OP) and pasture in regeneration (PR) covers within the biotic compensation area of the El Quimbo Hydroelectric Project, Huila. From the establishment of 16 plots (four per coverage), 160 soil samples were taken, in two (2) samplings during the year (wet period and dry period); The GSB was characterized by the germination method and the data were processed using the Excel® program and the R © program for Windows version 3.4.3 In total, 5216 individuals emerged in the BSG, (A = 1733, PE 1285, PL = 1233 and B = 964), 144 species corresponding to 25 families were found, being Malvaceae, Leguminosae, Poaceae and Solanaceae the most representative for their richness, and Plantaginaceae, Malvaceae and Rubiaceae the most abundant (48% of the GSB); the predominant habit was herbaceous (54,2%), followed by shrubs (13,2%). The comparison of the GSB between seasonal periods indicated a higher density in the humid period (1278,7 seeds/m2), with respect to the dry one (771,4 seeds/m2) and a 64% similarity (Jaccard index) in the composition between the two sampled periods. Finally, the results of composition, abundance, density and richness of the GSB allow us to infer that the vegetation is in a stage of early secondary succession, for which an assisted restoration process is necessary in the area.