Dinámica de la cobertura del suelo y percepción del recurso hídrico en la cuenca del lago de Tota
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Land use changes are considered one of the greatest global changes triggers, affecting biodiversity and the services ecosystems provide to society. Understanding the dynamics behind said changes is quintessential for resources’ conservation and management, as well as for the environmental planning of productive landscape. This research analyses the change dynamic in Tota Lake land cover in Boyacá, by examining its spatial and temporal characteristics in the time frame between 1992 and 2013; and assessing the effects such dynamic has over the water resource through local community perception. As results, there was a persistence in land cover of 96.31% between 1992-2000 and 68.65% for the period 2000-2013; where in the years 1992 and 2010 pastures land cover were dominant (41.57% and 41.63% respectively); grasslands (32.8% and 31.85% respectively) were the land cover with more changes in a transition towards pastures (20.3%). Landscape’s heterogeneity is maintained and its biophysical, socioeconomic and use intensity aspects were the associated factors in the maintaining of persistence in the region. Despite this, there are significant differences in the persistence during the analyzed time frames in the municipalities of Aquitania, Cuítiva and Tota. The results indicate that changing process in land cover is stable and its product of the intensification in farming activities over five decades. The local community perceived that there has being an increment in onion crops in the last 20 years due to the giving of licenses and the use of motor pumps, causing impacts on soil and water, deteriorating its quality and diminishing its availability due to its the smallholding condition, which in turn tend to intensify the production. However, the community perceived the benefits that both the lake and its nearby paramos provide to their environment, showing positive disposition towards conservancy of these areas.