Estudio dendrocronológico de Brosimum utile (Kunth) Oken procedente de Timbiquí, Cauca
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Brosimum utile is a species with a wide distribution in tropical areas, has high potential and high rates of use and mobilization in the Colombian territory, according to the IDEAM, the Colombian Pacific mobilized 364,227 m3 between 2008-2010. This species is commercialized in an important way in the district of Buenaventura, Valle del Cauca. Having as aim to contribute elements of silvicultural management to the natural forest using dendrochronological techniques that favor the sustainable use of the species, ten wooden discs using basal logs with diameters between 394 and 881 mm and 50 mm of length were sampled in Buenaventura. These logs are traditionally used to obtain sheets for plywood production. The origin of the material was Timbiquí, Cauca. Once the material was in equilibrium in the city of Bogotá, D.C. the logs were prepared on the surface, the growth rings were visualized and marked, verifying the fluctuations of the cambium increase. With the help of cofechado techniques and the analysis of densitometry values with X-rays, carried out in ESALQ-USP, Brazil, the construction of the chronologies was performed, obtaining a correlation of 0.692, after this the master chronology was correlated with the intensity of precipitation, in a series of 40 years. Environmental signals inciters of the cambium activity were identified. In addition, growth was modeled using the Von Bertalanffy equation, and current annual increment CAI and mean annual increment MAI were calculated and evaluated in 5 age categories. The average calculated CAI was 6,336 mm per year and the average calculated MAI was 5,683 mm per year.