Apoyo a la elaboración de las guías para la aplicación de los softwares de modelación de contaminantes atmosféricos adquiridos por el laboratorio de calidad del aire de la Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas
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Modeling software for the dispersion of pollutants are analysis tools that provide reports and spatial information, which is used for the identification of critical points of contamination, design of decontamination strategies or control of fixed emissions. The Francisco José de Caldas District University, in order to strengthen the skills and theoretical knowledge of students, through the Air Quality laboratory, has periodically acquired the license for the AERMOD, CALPUFF and AERSCREEN modeling software, which is Therefore, in compliance with the objective of this internship project, application methodological guides were developed for the modeling software that the university has, therefore, this document addresses the aspects developed in each of the guide and the most relevant differences regarding the use and application for the AERMOD, CALPUFF and AERSCREEN modeling software.