Sintomatología Musculo Esquelética de Miembros Superiores y su Relación con los Movimientos Repetitivos y Posturas Mantenidas en Trabajadores de la Empresa Alameda Colombia SAS (Forever 21) Bogotá 2016.
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In order to correlate the musculoskeletal symptomatology with the postures maintained and the repetitive movements in the winery staff and the administrative staff of the company Alameda Colombia (Forever 21) in Bogotá a cross-sectional study was carried out in October 2016 in 30 workers of the company where 15 worked in the administrative area and 15 in the winery area all previously healthy without diagnosed skeletal muscle pathologies and where all signed the informed consent and voluntarily participated in the investigation. For the evaluation of the symptomatology the standardized Nordic questionnaire was applied for each of the workers and for the evaluation of the level of ergonomic risk the Check List Ocra method was performed. The results showed that the majority of the workers are women, the level of ergonomic risk obtained was unacceptable in 46% for the winery area and 93% for the administrative area. Likewise after applying the symptoms questionnaire it was obtained that the workers of the administrative area present a high symptomatology as pain of hands elbows shoulders and neck while in the winery area in addition to the aforementioned ailments back pain is included. In conclusion the musculoskeletal symptomatology correlates positively and significantly with the positions adopted by the workers which coincides with previous studies which is why the immediate implementation of a Safety and Health Management System at work is suggested and its once the Epidemiological Surveillance System which allows the company to focus on critical risks to start strategies to control and minimize the occurrence of incidents and / or work accidents as well as occupational diseases.