Estructura Poblacional y Parámetros de Aprovechamiento para la Hoja de Mauritia Flexuosa L.f. en los Municipios de VistaHermosa y Puerto Lopéz, Meta
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The present study evaluated the population structure of Mauritia flexuosa Lf in two populations with different site conditions, one responding to a morichal that has been disturbed by burning (VistaHermosa) and another in a better state of conservation that is harvested for obtaining of the leaf (Puerto López, Indigenous Reservation Turpial-La Victoria). 1 ha was sampled in the municipality of VistaHermosa and 0.12 ha in Puerto López (the data obtained in the latter were extrapolated to make comparison possible) and all the individuals present (seedlings, juveniles, adults) were measured following the parameters established by Galeano et al (2010), so that 454 and 852 palm individuals were registered respectively. The largest number of individuals was grouped in the first age categories, so that for VistaHermosa the Seedlings (28.7%), Youths II (26.7) and Youths III (21.7%) classes had higher abundance in comparison with Youths I (8.9%) and Adults (13.9%). With regard to Puerto López, the greatest number of individuals was found in the Seedlings (41.2%) and Youths I (41.8%) classes with respect to the Youths II (2.2%) and Adults (14,8%). Each population presented a subcategory of juveniles with a considerably smaller number of individuals than expected, which was related to the particularities faced by each ecosystem. The process of using the leaf until its commercialization was characterized through semi-structured interviews to people directly involved in the chain. Finally, contributions were generated for the adjustment of the existing terms of use of the leaf (issued by CORMACARENA) based on the extractive practices that are carried out in the population located in the reservation, considering also the current condition of the morichal and the needs of the community that takes advantage of it.