Caracterizando Habilidades de Pensamiento Critico en Estudiantes de Primaria cuando Desarrollan Actividades de Lectura en Grupos Colaborativos
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This research study attempted to characterize fourth grader’s critical thinking skills when developing collaborative reading strategies. The theoretical constructs we based our research were grouped into two groups: a group concerned with pedagogy (critical pedagogy and critical thinking) and a group concerned with learning as the result of social interactions (collaborative learning and social interactions centered in students or learner-centeredness). The main referents were (Collins & O'Brien, 2003) for learner-centered learning based on collaborative learning and social interactions; and Paulo Freire (1921-1997) and Henry Giroux (b. 1943) for critical pedagogy and critical thinking as philosophical aspects of human learning. This study was conducted in a public school located in Bogota with students whose ages range from 8 to 10. The results of this study revealed that students feel motivated and use a variety of CT skills when they are exposed to problem solving reading activities. Moreover, it was possible to identify that collaborative groups enhance their CT skills.