Coherencia de los ritmos delta entre los hemisferios cerebrales secundarios al consumo de Cannabis Sativa
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Cannabis Sativa is one of the illicit substances most consumed worldwide, therefore it is necessary to understand the effects it produces on brain rhythms. Electroencephalography (EEG) is one of the exploration techniques used to collect the most information about brain electrical activity, for which EEG signals were analyzed in 16 habitual consumers of C. sativa in 6 referrals. For the pre-processing of the signals the MATLAB program was used, eliminating noise signals, and to delimit the study of the delta waves a bandpass filter was used between the frequencies 0.1 Hz and 4 Hz, type Butterworth of order 4. Subsequently a sub-sampling was performed to reduce the calculation time to execute a Monte Carlo simulation of 99 additional signals for each subject and the spectrum of absolute powers of the signal was found. Finally, the coherence was found to show the pathways of association between the cerebral hemispheres, finding that there are no significant differences in the region of the frontal midline (p> 0.05: 0.269), however significant differences were found in the parietal-temporal region (p> 0.05: 0.0000462) and in the frontal lobe (p <0.05: 0.000392), concluding that the consumption of C. sativa can affect the executive functions of the brain (frontal lobe), short-term memory and logical-mathematical processes (parietal-temporal region).