Apoyo cartográfico para el Ejército Nacional de Colombia e implementación de un Sistema de Información Geográfica que permita detectar problemas de orden social en el departamento de Nariño
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The present work seeks to identify and analyze the main social problems in the department of Nariño, which is one of the most affected by violence over the years, due to the existence of armed conflict in the country. To carry out this analysis, different instability factors were taken into account as a result of the presence of illegal armed actors and the different illicit activities developed in the department, which, added to the geographical isolation and the little presence of the state in some municipalities, make Nariño a one of the departments with the highest levels of poverty and unsatisfied basic needs in the country, evidencing a critical situation in matters of public and social order. To carry out a more critical analysis priority is given to the municipalities most affected by social problems and violence in the department and then their characteristics and main problems are analyzed in order to show the relationship between social problems and the presence of acts illicit. Finally, the design and implementation of a geographic information system that allows the Colombian National Army to deal with the different social problems present in the department was carried out, which has repercussions in a spatial analysis that allows to support the different control organisms in the decision making process. decisions that seek the greatest welfare for the population and reduce the different problems present in a new post-conflict scenario.