Lectura inferencial en relatos hipertextuales de terror con estudiantes de grado sexto
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This research is intended to promote students' inferential reading from the mobilization of knowledge, causal reasoning, and interaction with hypertextual accounts of terror in dialogical and participatory contexts. The research used contributions from the research work completed by Colmenares, A. and Piñero, M. (2008). Also considered were the concepts of inference expressed by Martínez, M. (2004) and the concept of hypertext developed by Landow, G. (1996), which were the basis of activities to promote student reading. The approaches of Rodríguez (2012) and Calderón and León (2016), in regard to the workshop as a didactic device, made it possible to develop each of the intervention phases in an organized and sequential manner. As a result, it was possible to evidence the adequate development of the ability to deduce antecedents and consequents of hypertexts and their materialization in the form of flow charts. This translates into progress in student's inferential reading.