Implementación del Sistema de Gestión de Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo de la empresa reencauchadora Reensur
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The purpose of the development of this work is the implementation of a system of occupational health and safety management (SG-SST) in the organization Reensur retreading plant dedicated to tire retreading. THE SG-SST fundamental for guarantee health and safety conditions in the organization. This system is based in standards, procedures and practices that allow the identification, evaluation and control of the large laboratories present in the work process. Law 1562 of 2012 in Colombia establishes that all companies must implement an SG-SST that meets the requirements established by the Ministry of Labor. Implies conduct periodic risk assessments, train employees measures on preventive measures and stabilize emergency plans in critical situations. In summary, the implementation of an SG-SST is essential to guarantee conditions safe and healthy workplaces. This system allows the identification and control of large risks, promoting better employee performance and greater productivity of the organization. Comply with the standards established by the ILO and the Ministry of Labor It is essential to ensure the effectiveness of the SG-SST.