Metodología para el Análisis de Distorsión Armónica en Instalaciones Eléctricas Industriales de Baja Tensión con Carga Instalada Mayor a 1 MVA
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In the present work we propose a methodology for the analysis of harmonic distortion of voltage and current in industrial users with an installed load greater than 1 MVA, composed of seven chapters including conclusions and future work. Chapter 1 provides a brief introduction to the topic, chapter 2 presents a bibliographic review of the related energy quality concepts and chapter 3 establishes the limits and conditions for performing the analysis of distortion according to national and international regulations and exposes the methodologies existing to carry out similar works.
Based on what has been explained in the previous chapters, in chapter 4 each of the stages that make up the proposed methodology is described in detail and in order to show its implementation, chapter 5 presents the case study of the wastewater treatment plant. aguas de Bavaria SA, carrying out the analysis of the results of said study and exposing the found events. Finally, in chapter 6 different solutions are proposed to the problems encountered, which are implemented in the simulation of the electrical system of the case study to verify its effectiveness. Finally, Chapter 7 presents the conclusions of the work done and possible future work, which, although not included among objectives, are proposed as a complement to the methodology.