Retratos de calles vacías: cuerpos matables durante la cuarentena estricta en Bogotá.
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Void streets portraits is an idea of research and creation thought in the Communication-Education Master's of Francisco José de Caldas University. This work consists of the analysis of the situation that various bodies faced during the strict quarantine in Bogotá, due to the spread of Covid-19. The discussion focuses on the study of the concept 'killable body', which involves certain characteristics that put certain bodies at greater vulnerabilities. In addition, it is located within an empty city, where the exercise of power materializes with the support of a state of exception where the uncertainty and a state of opinion dominated by fear and closeness to others. To mitigate the phenomenon of the 'killable body', the creation of a series of audiovisual portraits is proposed, where the story of Lucrecia, a transgender woman living in Bogotá, is told. With the company of her voice, her body and her identity, she talks about life and death, in an increasingly tense city, where certain bodies face more complex obstacles.