Prospección sísmica asociada a los mantos de carbón en el Catatumbo colombiano - municipio de Tibú, departamento de Norte de Santander
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The Catatumbo River basin in Colombia north of the Vetas River, has non-renewable natural resources such as oil, gas and coal that have been studied and extracted since the 1950s, between 1950 and 2018. The economic contributions to the Norte de Santander region for oil and coal royalties have been representative and of the order of $ 5,542,818,657.33 for the year 2017, according to royalty statistics reports submitted by the National Hydrocarbons Agency - ANH In the process of obtaining coal and in parallel methane gas associated with coal to improve the basket of energy consumption in Colombia and especially in northeastern Colombia, the location of coal beds is evaluated in this study, using information from the oil fields of Tibú, Soacaro, Orú, Puerto Barco and Rio de Oro, for the purpose of knowing in the subsoil the geometry of the geological unit that has the coal in the study area, especially the Los Cuervos and La Carbonera formations. To specify the carbon and methane gas resources associated with coal in the Catatumbo river basin, only the Los Cuervos formation is analyzed. Consequently, the geological cartography of the outcrops of the Cuervos formation is presented, and in particular the lower limb containing carbon mantles with thicknesses greater than one meter (objective of the study), from 6 to 10 2D seismic lines and 14 records are analyzed. electric wells, as well as the perforations made and their respective stratigraphic columns. With the collection, interpretation and analysis of the information, coal resources up to 500 meters deep are quantified according to the characteristics of the mantles. This non-renewable natural resource is considered the "economic and social redemption" of the region of the Colombian Catatumbo.